tisdag 4 april 2017

Book circle week 14 - Word Finder

Word finder
Desolate - The town has remained desolate ever since the war. (Obebodd, öde) 
Deposited - If I put a deposited sum into the bank it can not be used. (Insatt) 
Stationary - stilla stående 
Defiance - trots, utmaning 
Recited - You recited it very well. (Räkna upp, läsa hög) 
Astonishment - I'm astonished by your beautiful speech! (Förvånad, häpen, överraskad) 
Preserve - bevara, skydda 
Spewed - spy upp 
Cantaloupe -  Cantaloupe is really refreshing to eat on a hot summer day! (Nätmelon) 
Grotesque - it's grotesque and tragic how some people behave now days. ( löjlig, groteskt) 
Parched - It is parch dry all year around on camp green lake (Torra, förtorkade)
Digestion - matsmältning
Arthritis - There are medication that helps you to heal Arthritis. (ledinflammation) 
Resent - I feel resent by their rude attitude. ( känna sig sårad av)
Quivering - It's so cold, I'm quivering! (Skaka, darra) 
Outlaws - some people are outlaws ( "utanför lagarna" )
Sparingly - Everyone knows that if you eat sparingly and exercise you will have a healthy life. (Sparsamt) 
Extraordinary - yesterday there was a extraordinary band playing in town. (Enastående) 
Loot - (treasure) 
Rummaging - I noticed you rummaging in the pantry, did you find what you where looking for? 

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