torsdag 9 mars 2017

"Book Club" || English

Week 11: 
Discussion leader
1. What's the story behind Stanley's bad luck? (White hat) Chapter 7

2. Stanley and his family thinks that the bad luck is awful, name something positive about it. (Yellow Hat)  Page 9

3. Do you think Stanley is a bad person for doing what he did and ending up on a camp like "Camp Green Lake"? Why/why not? ( Black Hat) 

4. When I read this book a lot of emotions came to my mind, for example happiness (when he made friends on the first day), anger (because he wasn't really guilty for the crime, but ended up getting the punishment anyway), pain (when he had to dig the holes and got hurt) and curiosity (How did Zero know about the shoes? Page 46 ). What emotions did you experience when you were reading? (Red Hat) 

5. Camp Green Lake is a boys detention centre and its all about building character by digging holes. Come up with five new ideas on how to make the camp fun. (Green Hat)

6. If you were the author, what would you change in the book so far to make it better? 

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